Counselor Webinar Suggestion Form Counselor webinars are hosted live monthly and then posted on our Counselor Playlist. We want to host sessions that are relevant to the counseling community. Share a webinar topic below for the upcoming year. Loading...Counselor Information First NameLast NameContact Display Name (Hidden)Email AddressEmail Address (Hidden as for Unique for Merging on Pre-Populated Forms)Device Type (Hidden)Device Type (Hidden)Email AddressEvening PhoneMobile PhonePrimary PhoneProfessional TitleFor what organization do you primarily work? For secondary schools, colleges, or universities, please search for your institution and select it from the list. Parent Key (Hidden)Suggestion DetailsHave you attended a UCSB Counselor webinar?Have you attended a UCSB Counselor webinar?Yes, I never miss them!Yes, when I canNoI watch the recordingsPlease provide a short description of your suggested webinar topic and share any specific questions you would want to have answered.Who is the target audience for your suggested webinar?Who is the target audience for your suggested webinar?High School CounselorsTransfer CounselorsPrivate/Independent CounselorsAll audiencesOtherPlease share what audience you think is the best fit:When in the year do you need this webinar?Anytime of the YearAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulySubmit